Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If You Want To Make Money From Home DO IT RIGHT

Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it.  ~Author Unknown
You are here reading this article. You want to make money from home. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

The world is bursting with people who, like you, would love to make money from home. And while it might sound fun to be part of a big movement, the truth is that this equals competition for you. 

Wanna make it? Then it's time to get seriously creative. You NEED to stand out.

STEP ONE: Do it better
Whatever it is that you're doing, do it better. Go the extra mile. Be the best. Got a website? Do everything you can to make your content the very best that it can be. Running a daycare? Do what it takes to be the best childcare provider in the area. This is quite possibly the most important step in the process. People don't pay for crummy. The better it is, the more people will want it.

STEP TWO: Add a twist
Give people what they want, AND add an attractive twist that sets you apart. Don't just offer great childcare. Offer great childcare that engages children in creative play and learning while limiting screen time. Don't just sell your artwork on Etsy. Sign the back of your prints, and throw in a complementary bookmark that showcases your work while doubling as advertising. Things like this will make you shine and gain you loyalists.

STEP THREE: Be seen!
No one is going to send money your way if they don't know where you are. Who are you targeting? How can they find you? Consider what kinds of people you could expect business from and place your advertising where they will see it. The web, newspapers, magazines, radio, community bulletin boards... Take advantage of all the places your customers may find you and keep up with you. Does your business have a Facebook page where fans can be kept up to speed and reminded of everything you offer?

STEP FOUR: Ensure your image
If and when you advertise, make sure you do it well. A poor advertisement will get you nowhere. Make sure your ads reflect the quality you bring to your work. Get yourself a good website if it's applicable for your business. And for all your advertising needs, hire a pro if you can. If you can't afford a pro, try your local university for a well trained student who has yet to graduate. Most professors would be more than happy to direct you to blossoming student who would work for less, but still yield high results.

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